RishiKesh Yoga Immersion

Yoga Immersion in 3 Workshops

Überblick - Overview

Swayamber Singh Rawat (Vasu) ist ein Freund von Studioleiter Matthias Brun und besucht uns zum vierten Mal für verschiedene Yoga Stunden und die 'Rishikesh Yoga Immersion'.

Die Immersion besteht aus 3 Workshops mit dem Ziel deine Yoga Praxis und dein Unterrichten auf ein anderes Level zu bringen. Wir beginnen mit einer Yoga Praxis und nach einer Pause tauchen wir tiefer ein in das Tages-Thema, um deinen Body-Mind tiefer zu erfahren und zu verstehen.

Du kannst alle drei Tage oder nur einzelne Tage buchen. Wie du magst.

Unterrichtssprache ist in Englisch - Übersetzung: Eine YogaLehrerin des Aware Yoga wird bei Bedarf übersetzen, beim Assisting Lab / Alignment Clinic und bei energetisch-philosophischen Konzepten.

Workshop Level: Es sind alle Yoga Schüler und Lehrerinnen mit Yoga Erfahrung willkommen.

Event Datum

Sa. 17. August 09:30 - 12:30
So. 18. August 09:30 - 12:30
Sa. 24. August 13:30 - 16:30

Event Location

Aware Yoga
Obere Hauptgasse 78
3600 Thun


CHF 70.- einzelner Workshop
CHF 130.- 2 Workshops
CHF 190.- alle 3 Workshops

inkl. Gratis-Zugang zu Yoga-Übungsvideos mit Vasu


Swayamber Singh Rawat
Assistenz: Matthias Brun

Inhalt - Content

What to expect every day?

  • Introduction Mantra
  • Chakra Breathing - connection with your energy body
  • Focus on Pranic Alignment - shine from within to improve your health and that of your students
  • Activation of your energetic body to feel and explore the yoga poses more from within
  • Vinyasa Yoga and Hatha Yoga led class improving stamina, strength, flexibility and balance
  • Alignment Clinic in Hatha Yoga & Yengar Yoga Tradition - get a deeper understanding of the yoga poses
  • Assisting Lab to enhance your experience in yoga poses
  • Meditation and Vedic mantra chanting

Daily Focus

Day 1 - Saturday 17. August 2024: 09:30 - 12:30
Fundamentals & Standing Poses - Focusing on proper alignment with strength and flexibility in standing poses. For more stability and lightness in your yoga practice

Day 2: Sunday 18. August 2024: 09:30 - 12:30
Hip Opening & Forward Bend Yoga Workshop - Focusing on open and strong hip to improve standing, balance and sitting poses

Day 3: Saturday 24. August 2024: 13:30 - 16:30
Shoulder Opening & Backbend Yoga Workshop - Focusing and chest and shoulder opening for healthy and shining twists and backbends

About Vasu

Swayamber Singh Rawat (Vasu )is a yoga teacher with more than 15 years’ experience. He specializes in Hatha Yoga , and Vinyasa Flow is certified by Yoga Alliance USA. Born 100 km away from Rishikesh , the Rishikesh world", Vasu began his studies at age of 12 years in Rishikesh,s Narayana Universal Yoga Ashram.

Vasu taught yoga at different places, including Narayana Universal Yoga Ashram (NU Yoga Ashram), http://Mahamuktiyoga.com, and Himalayan Yoga Retreat (Rishikesh), and Yoga Vedanta Ashram (Rishikesh).

In the period from March 2014 to August 2016 Vasu worked as a yoga teacher in Yoga Ananda in Tbilisi, Georgia. Despite his experience Vasu keeps his knowledge upgraded through attending various workshops in Beijing, China from time to time. 

Vasu gives group as well as individual classes for all levels of students (beginner, intermediate and advanced) putting an emphasis on precision and alignment.

Currently Vasu is a part of WEYOGA (Beijing, China) team being a Director of Teacher Training Courses. He is also the founder of WEYOGA in Tbilisi, Georgia.

